Prayers With Suction and Power

Prayers With Suction and Power In the book The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale talks about prayers with suction – prayers with power to move. Roland Hayes, the singer, quoted his grandfather to me, a man whose education was not equal to that of his grandson, but whose native wisdom was obviously sound.…

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Wood – The Meaning and Symbolism of Wood In The Bible

Wood – The Meaning and Symbolism of Wood in The Bible When something in the Bible is mentioned several times it must be for a reason.  I was reading 1 Kings 6 and here it is  So Solomon built the house (temple) and finished it. 15 He built the walls of the interior of the house [that…

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We Are To Be Salt – What Does It Mean?

We Are To Be Salt Many of us have heard or said “He is salt of the earth.”  We have also heard we are to be salt.  Salt is a preservative.  I large amounts it can be unhealthy.  But what prompted me to think about this? I was listening to a preacher on TV the…

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Living Intentionally – Don’t Drift Through Life

Living Intentionally Everyday we make decisions as to what we do. Is living intentionally our purpose?   Some of us react to events – OK all of us react to events some just more than others.  Some of us have detailed plans for the day.  Others just go with the flow and rarely plan or…

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Was The United States Founded As A Christian Nation

Was The United States of America Formed As A Christian Nation There are many opinions about our founding fathers and their faith.  I decided to some research and not pay attention to anything newer than 1850.   I really wanted to see what the founders had to say. There world view would build a nation that…

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Apply The Blood of Jesus – Why and How

Apply The Blood Of Jesus I wrote in a previous post that Jesus was born so that He could die for us.  With His death and His blood we have the ability to gain much more than eternal life. The devil tries to keep people ignorant of the facts.  He comes to kill, to destroy…

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Jesus Our Perfect Savoir

Jesus Our Perfect Savoir Jesus is our perfect savoir.  He was the only one who could give us eternal life with God the Father and heaven on earth. Matthew 5:17-20  “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I…

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10 Things That Occur When You Believe The Gospel

What happens when we believe the gospel? Believing the gospel produces a change in you in the following ways: Please God Bear fruit Increase in the knowledge of God Transferred from darkness to the kingdom of light We are redeemed Forgiven of sins Strengthened with all power Share in the inheritance of the saints the…

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The Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand – What Does It Mean

The Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand Usually on Mondays I write something about politics and Christianity.  However, today I was reading and was struck by Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach and say “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” I read it numerous times and passed over it…

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Acts of Terrorism – What Should Christians Do

Acts Of Terrorism God has given us three institutions.  He gave us the nation, the church and the family.  We are members of all three institutions (I am talking to believers).  When we see an acts of terrorism then we should look at it in 3 ways. The nation yields the sword and judges.   This…

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